The Key Triggers to your Circadian Genes

The key to synchronizing your Circadian genes is understanding the triggers. These triggers trip off the activation of your body’s daytime processes, as well as night time processes. Your body can’t register time the way you do, by looking at a watch or observing the sky. So, instead, your body has a built in mechanism to recognize the “triggers” to tell it time. These triggers of light and eating tell your body, and every single cell in your body the time of day or night it is. Things are so precisely tuned when it come to your digestion, repair, and defense against inflammation, that these processes can only begin and end optimally if they are triggered to happen at the appropriate time of day or night. Just like when you are trying shop at your local grocery store, if you shop during their peak hours, Sunday before the work week, or right before the Superbowl broadcast, you’re bound to end up in a long line, and sacrificing precious time. But go to the grocery store first thing in the morning, and you’ll find more open check stands than customers, and your time commitment to this task is significantly less. Similarly, all your body functions rely on getting things done efficiently and effectively, if there are ongoing competing processes, inflammation sets in, as well as a lack of ability to carry out the necessary processes well. Digestion,the release of stress hormones, and activation of insulin, are all daytime processes that work best during the day, and the big triggers – light and eating tell your body when to organize these daytime activities. When those triggers become silent,the lack of light and the lack of eating, this is an alternate trigger and activates all of your night time processes. Keeping those triggers in check, light and eating, are the foundation of activating and synchronizing your Circadian rhythm genes.

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